If you have been involved in a serious accident, such as a car accident, a construction site accident, or even a simple slip and fall, you should strongly consider seeking medical attention. This is true even if you do not believe you have been seriously injured, and have not experienced significant pain or discomfort afterwards. Here are just some of the reasons why you should seek medical attention after an accident:
Seven Property Defects That Could Harm Your Real Estate Deal
When you are looking to buy real estate, whether residential or commercial, finding the right location is essential. However, even the most ideal property can potentially have property defects just below the surface that can seriously impact your ability to make use of your new purchase. This can not only cost you a lot of money, but in the most extreme circumstances, it can even pose a threat to your health and well-being. Here are seven property defects that can harm you real estate deal:
Five Reasons to Be Careful About Dog Bites
Dog bites are an often underestimated source of harm, with around 800,000 people per year needing to receive medical attention as a result of a dog bite across the United States. These injuries can sometimes result in disfigurement or long-term health complications, depending on the severity of the injury. Here are five reasons you should be careful about dog bites:
What is an HOA, and How Can it Affect You?
Millions of American homeowners are members of Homeowners Associations, also known as HOAs. However, many people do not join voluntarily, and some do not even realize they are members of an HOA until they run afoul of its restrictions. But what exactly is an HOA, and how can it potentially affect you?
Why is the Construction Industry So Dangerous For its Workers?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, approximately one in five of all fatal workplace accidents occur in the construction industry. This extraordinarily high rate of deaths on construction sites highlights how dangerous the industry is. But why is the construction industry so dangerous for its workers, and what can be done to limit this risk?
Why Should You Get Screened For a TBI After an Accident?
Traumatic brain injuries, also known as TBIs, are a surprisingly common problem after people get into a major accident. However, these injuries sometimes go without being diagnosed for months or years after they happen, with people simply learning to live with the effects of their injury. But why should you make sure you get screened for a TBI if you have suffered from a major accident?
How a Title Defect Could Impact Your Real Estate Transaction
Real estate transactions are always a big deal, and for many people, buying or selling a home will be the biggest financial decision they make in their entire lives. However, a surprising number of people do not realize the risks that title defects can pose, making even the best new home into a potential nightmare. But what exactly is a title defect, and how can it affect your real estate transaction?
Seven Safety Violations on Construction Sites to Watch For
There is no industry that results in more on-the-job injuries than construction. Unfortunately, many of these injuries might not happen if only construction contractors and site owners followed appropriate safety procedures. Here are seven common safety violations on construction sites that you should be on the lookout for: Failure to provide safety equipment One of … Read more
Seven Important Steps to Take After an Auto Accident
If you have recently been involved in an auto accident of any type, you may be confused about what you should do. Following these critical steps can not only help to protect your life, it can also give you a better chance of a favorable settlement from your insurer. Here are seven important steps to … Read more